Maximum of two (2) photos per person, B&W or color - .jpg files ONLY
Photo Maximums: 100 ppi, 100kb - any files larger will be disqualified
Files must be named as follows (with your own name of course)
firstname_lastname_age.jpg (ie tiana_stewart17.jpg)
(If you are entering 2 photos, please name them with "a" and "b" after age
E-mail must include full name, age (in photo), state/country
Photos must be e-mail as an attachment (see Enter Contest page for address)
All photos must be received between the 1st and the 25th of each month to qualify for that month's contest
Photos will NOT be accepted between the 25th and the 1st of the next contest month
Winners will be posted ASAP (as soon as possible) after the 1st of the next month
Supreme winner cannot re-enter for 6 months
Division Prince/Princess cannot re-enter for 2 months
Supreme winner will not also win division
There must be at least 3 enteries (different people) per catagory, or I will combine catagories
There is a maximum of 20 enteries per catagory
If 2 photos are entered, only 1 will win. 2 prizes will not be awarded to 1 person

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Rules |
Judging |
Winners |
Supremes 2001 |
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